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18 misspelled results found for 'Plumb Bobt1'

Click here to view these 'plumb bobt1' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
Rare Vintage Steel Plumb Bob 1. 1/4 LB Old Tools

Rare Vintage Steel Plumb Bob 1. 1/4 Lb Old Tools


£3.9501d 2h 32m
JOHNSON 116,16OZ BRASS PLUMB BOB 1LB, w. Hardened Steel Tip

Johnson 116,16Oz Brass Plumb Bob 1Lb, W. Hardened Steel Tip



Buy JOHNSON 116,16OZ BRASS PLUMB BOB 1LB, w. Hardened Steel Tip

1d 13h 19m
Brass plumb bob, 1 1/4" wide, 180 grams

Brass Plumb Bob, 1 1/4" Wide, 180 Grams



Buy Brass plumb bob, 1 1/4" wide, 180 grams

4d 16h 46m
Building Measuring Kit Construction Tool Plumb Bob

Building Measuring Kit Construction Tool Plumb Bob



Buy Building Measuring Kit Construction Tool Plumb Bob

5d 11h 43m
Brass PLUMB BOB 1 Lb 5 oz x 6" Mason Builder Carpenter Tool Vintage

Brass Plumb Bob 1 Lb 5 Oz X 6" Mason Builder Carpenter Tool Vintage



Buy Brass PLUMB BOB 1 Lb 5 oz x 6" Mason Builder Carpenter Tool Vintage

5d 12h 37m
Vintage Monument chrome metal plumb bob 1/2 lb in weight , ex - military 1964

Vintage Monument Chrome Metal Plumb Bob 1/2 Lb In Weight , Ex - Military 1964


£3.6805d 22h 34m
2 Plumb Bob 1 brass Unbranded & 1 Steel Hanson 8 0z VG used

2 Plumb Bob 1 Brass Unbranded & 1 Steel Hanson 8 0Z Vg Used



Buy 2 Plumb Bob 1 brass Unbranded & 1 Steel Hanson 8 0z VG used

9d 8h 23m
Steel Plumb Bob 1 Pound 11 Ounce Cone Vintage Plumb Bob. Heavy Duty.

Steel Plumb Bob 1 Pound 11 Ounce Cone Vintage Plumb Bob. Heavy Duty.

Lots Of Years Left Of Good Use In This Item.



Buy Steel Plumb Bob 1 Pound 11 Ounce Cone Vintage Plumb Bob. Heavy Duty.

11d 7h 22m
Antique Cast Iron PLUMB BOB 1 Lb Turnip Shaped 3"

Antique Cast Iron Plumb Bob 1 Lb Turnip Shaped 3"



Buy Antique Cast Iron PLUMB BOB 1 Lb Turnip Shaped 3"

13d 7h 14m
Vintage Cast Iron Plumb Bob 1 1/2 Pounds Lot 24-32

Vintage Cast Iron Plumb Bob 1 1/2 Pounds Lot 24-32



Buy Vintage Cast Iron Plumb Bob 1 1/2 Pounds Lot 24-32

17d 0h 26m
Vintage Steel Plumb Bob 1 lb. 3.6 oz.  2-1/4" long x 2-7/8" wide.

Vintage Steel Plumb Bob 1 Lb. 3.6 Oz. 2-1/4" Long X 2-7/8" Wide.



Buy Vintage Steel Plumb Bob 1 lb. 3.6 oz.  2-1/4" long x 2-7/8" wide.

18d 1h 7m
Vintage steel plumb bob 1 lb. 4.3 oz.  2-3/4" long x 2-3/4" wide.  Pionted.

Vintage Steel Plumb Bob 1 Lb. 4.3 Oz. 2-3/4" Long X 2-3/4" Wide. Pionted.



Buy Vintage steel plumb bob 1 lb. 4.3 oz.  2-3/4" long x 2-3/4" wide.  Pionted.

18d 1h 13m
Vintage plumb bob 1 lb. 3.4 oz.  4-1/2" long 2" wide.  Cast  Unbranded.

Vintage Plumb Bob 1 Lb. 3.4 Oz. 4-1/2" Long 2" Wide. Cast Unbranded.



Buy Vintage plumb bob 1 lb. 3.4 oz.  4-1/2" long 2" wide.  Cast  Unbranded.

19d 22h 58m
Vntg Dougherty Brass & Steel Plumb Bob 1-lb. 1. 7 oz.  5-1/8" long 1-3/8" wide.

Vntg Dougherty Brass & Steel Plumb Bob 1-Lb. 1. 7 Oz. 5-1/8" Long 1-3/8" Wide.



Buy Vntg Dougherty Brass & Steel Plumb Bob 1-lb. 1. 7 oz.  5-1/8" long 1-3/8" wide.

19d 23h 7m
Vintage Plumb Bob, 1 Metre String Line, Antique Measuring Tool

Vintage Plumb Bob, 1 Metre String Line, Antique Measuring Tool



Buy Vintage Plumb Bob, 1 Metre String Line, Antique Measuring Tool

20d 1h 41m
Crescent Lufkin TT590N Oil Gauging Plumb Bob, 1" Diameter, 6.75" Solid Brass

Crescent Lufkin Tt590n Oil Gauging Plumb Bob, 1" Diameter, 6.75" Solid Brass



Buy Crescent Lufkin TT590N Oil Gauging Plumb Bob, 1" Diameter, 6.75" Solid Brass

28d 21h 11m
Crescent Lufkin Oil Gauging Plumb Bob 1" Dia 6.75" L Solid Brass SAE/Metric

Crescent Lufkin Oil Gauging Plumb Bob 1" Dia 6.75" L Solid Brass Sae/Metric



Buy Crescent Lufkin Oil Gauging Plumb Bob 1" Dia 6.75" L Solid Brass SAE/Metric

28d 21h 12m
GIL CSI-24 Brass Plumb Bob 1 lb 7.4 oz 5.5 Inch Long Body with Bent Tip

Gil Csi-24 Brass Plumb Bob 1 Lb 7.4 Oz 5.5 Inch Long Body With Bent Tip



Buy GIL CSI-24 Brass Plumb Bob 1 lb 7.4 oz 5.5 Inch Long Body with Bent Tip

30d 8h 52m

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