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5549063 misspelled results found for 'Americana'

Click here to view these 'americana' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
North American Hotel,the western summit,Placerville Route,California,CA,1866

North American Hotel,The Western Summit,Placerville Route,California,Ca,1866



Buy North American Hotel,the western summit,Placerville Route,California,CA,1866

Photo:Thomas Pinckney,1750-1828,American statesman,diplomat

Photo:Thomas Pinckney,1750-1828,American Statesman,Diplomat



Buy Photo:Thomas Pinckney,1750-1828,American statesman,diplomat

Photo:Senator Blanche Kelso Bruce,1841-98,American Politician

Photo:Senator Blanche Kelso Bruce,1841-98,American Politician



Buy Photo:Senator Blanche Kelso Bruce,1841-98,American Politician

Photo:Elvis Aaron Presley,1935-1977,American Singer,The King

Photo:Elvis Aaron Presley,1935-1977,American Singer,The King



Buy Photo:Elvis Aaron Presley,1935-1977,American Singer,The King

Waite Hoyt,New York American League baseball player,uniforms,socks,uniforms

Waite Hoyt,New York American League Baseball Player,Uniforms,Socks,Uniforms



Buy Waite Hoyt,New York American League baseball player,uniforms,socks,uniforms

Lone Pine,California,Japanese American Girls,Evacuation,World War,WWII,May 1942

Lone Pine,California,Japanese American Girls,Evacuation,World War,Wwii,May 1942



Buy Lone Pine,California,Japanese American Girls,Evacuation,World War,WWII,May 1942

American Red Cross ambulances,Italian Front,small front line hospital,1914-1918

American Red Cross Ambulances,Italian Front,Small Front Line Hospital,1914-1918



Buy American Red Cross ambulances,Italian Front,small front line hospital,1914-1918

Helen Keller,1880-1968,Reading Braille,deafblind,American author,lecturer

Helen Keller,1880-1968,Reading Braille,Deafblind,American Author,Lecturer



Buy Helen Keller,1880-1968,Reading Braille,deafblind,American author,lecturer

Brox sisters,American trio,singers,Lorayne,Bobbe,Patricia,stuffed dogs,couch

Brox Sisters,American Trio,Singers,Lorayne,Bobbe,Patricia,Stuffed Dogs,Couch



Buy Brox sisters,American trio,singers,Lorayne,Bobbe,Patricia,stuffed dogs,couch

Turkish Red Crescent,Middle East,American Colony Jerusalem Photo Dept,2

Turkish Red Crescent,Middle East,American Colony Jerusalem Photo Dept,2



Buy Turkish Red Crescent,Middle East,American Colony Jerusalem Photo Dept,2

Italian Children waiting for supplies from American Red Cross,WWI,c1918

Italian Children Waiting For Supplies From American Red Cross,Wwi,C1918



Buy Italian Children waiting for supplies from American Red Cross,WWI,c1918

Yemenite Rabbi Avram arrayed for prayer,reading scrolls,American Colony Photo

Yemenite Rabbi Avram Arrayed For Prayer,Reading Scrolls,American Colony Photo



Buy Yemenite Rabbi Avram arrayed for prayer,reading scrolls,American Colony Photo

American diamond stud earrings Pakistani Indian jewellery AD Various Colours

American Diamond Stud Earrings Pakistani Indian Jewellery Ad Various Colours



Buy American diamond stud earrings Pakistani Indian jewellery AD Various Colours

Sothebys Auction Catalog 7135 American West Eulich 1998 Farny Volume 2 ONLY

Sothebys Auction Catalog 7135 American West Eulich 1998 Farny Volume 2 Only



Buy Sothebys Auction Catalog 7135 American West Eulich 1998 Farny Volume 2 ONLY

Port Said,the Anzac War Memorial,Egypt,1934-1939,American Colony Photo Dept,1

Port Said,The Anzac War Memorial,Egypt,1934-1939,American Colony Photo Dept,1



Buy Port Said,the Anzac War Memorial,Egypt,1934-1939,American Colony Photo Dept,1

African American Civil Rights,Chester,Pennsylvania,PA,Racism,Police Brutality

African American Civil Rights,Chester,Pennsylvania,Pa,Racism,Police Brutality



Buy African American Civil Rights,Chester,Pennsylvania,PA,Racism,Police Brutality

13-inch Mortar DICTATOR,Petersburg,Virginia,VA,American Civil War,1864

13-Inch Mortar Dictator,Petersburg,Virginia,Va,American Civil War,1864



Buy 13-inch Mortar DICTATOR,Petersburg,Virginia,VA,American Civil War,1864

Grover Cleveland,1837-1908,President of the United States,American Politician,2

Grover Cleveland,1837-1908,President Of The United States,American Politician,2



Buy Grover Cleveland,1837-1908,President of the United States,American Politician,2

Submarine Plunger,Oyster Bay,New York,NY,Sailors,Sailboat,American Flag,1905

Submarine Plunger,Oyster Bay,New York,Ny,Sailors,Sailboat,American Flag,1905



Buy Submarine Plunger,Oyster Bay,New York,NY,Sailors,Sailboat,American Flag,1905

Battle of Bentonville,North Carolina,Soldiers,American Civil War,Alfred R. Waud

Battle Of Bentonville,North Carolina,Soldiers,American Civil War,Alfred R. Waud



Buy Battle of Bentonville,North Carolina,Soldiers,American Civil War,Alfred R. Waud


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